The Credit Credit is two type one is good credit other one is bad credit. We have to understand the different between those two. We can use credit to improve our self like learn new skills or build your wealth like buy house or invest in some thing for better return. We can't use credit to buy things which doesn't generate money. but, I will say we can't replace the item like, car, new phone, new laptop and furnishes. It's doesn't make seance to me. If we have our own money that is different. I t is impotent to live with out bad credit in the way of wealth. How we can avoid the bad credit? We have to think twice before we buy any thing. If we can live without it. We don't need to buy any thing in credit. We don't need to buy for other people like family or friends. We have to check where is our money going. The budgeting is a good way to track outgoing. but, I will say at least we have to think every single day every week and month. where is our money going....
how to handle money for better life